In Your Providence is our Hope
In Your Providence is our Hope
Signed in as:
Louis Guanella was born in the little town of Fraciscio in Northern Italy. In 1881, Fr. Louis founded the Daughters of St. Mary of Providence, with the collaboration of mind and heart of Mother Marcellina Bosatta, co-foundress, and her sister, Sister Clare Bosatta.
The mission that began in the heart of Fr. Louis as a child slowly began to increase as he founded numerous houses for the poor, the abandoned and unwanted in Italy and Switzerland.
St. Guanella established two religious congregations, the Servants of Charity for men and the DSMPs for women to carry on his mission. He died on October 24, 1915, was beatified on October 24, 1964 and canonized on October 23,2011
Marcellina Bosatta and Dina (Clare) Bosatta were blood sisters and religious sisters. They formed a group of young women who were teaching catechism and reaching out to the poor of their parish. It was a natural progression when St. Louis Guanella asked them to carry on his mission in the Church. These hardworking women from the town of Pianello, Italy, living in need of material goods, were always willing to share all they had and received with the poor.
They spent every extra moment in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. How often, they asked the Pastor for the key to the small parish chruch so that they could pray long into the night and sometimes all night keeping company with Jesus in the Eucharist. They were always ready though for the arduous work of the next day.
Crossing Lake Como in a small boat with, a table, broken chair and a few other items they began the first Guanellian foundation, the Little House of Divine Providence. Despite these poor belongings they were filled with the zeal and joy of being called to create the humble beginnings of the Daughters of St. Mary of Providence.
Both Sisters contacted tuberculosis, a common disease of the time.
Both would have probably die but recognizing her sister's gifts and talents to continue building the Congregation, at the age of twenty-nine, Sr. Clare offered her life to God that her sister would live. God accepted her offer and she died on April 21, 1887. She was beatified on April 21, 1991 as the Church recognized her life of heroic virtue.
O Saint Louis Guanella,
Apostle of Charity,
you spread the treasures
of your heart
to the poor and suffering
whom you dearly loved,
in a world filled with
hatred and selfishness.
Obtain for us
from Divine Providence
an ever increasing love
for God and our neighbors.
Obtain for us also
the favor we are asking for...
and the grace
of final perseverance.
Merciful and provident Father,
Blessed Clare Bosatta, Virgin,
was filled Your Spirit of love,
uniting it with the contemplation
of Christ Crucified
and service to the needy
and abandoned.
Grant us through her intercession,
that we may love you with
complete faith
and serve you with an active charity
among the most needy
brothers and sisters.
Through Chris our Lord.
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